Nigeria’s fake professionals
I am worried about the growing cases of fake professionals in Nigeria. There is hardly any week that arrests of some of these impostors, quacks, and charlatans are not made. Virtually every profession has them. There have been many reported cases of fake doctors, lawyers, architects, engineers, journalists, teachers, pharmacists, soldiers, police and clerics to mention but a few. They are the chaff in the wheat; the weed in the beautiful garden of many otherwise noble professions. These quacks are often smooth operators. They are bold, articulate, well dressed and understand the buzz words or the lingoes of the professions they are impersonating. Even though they are not properly certified by the regulatory body of their adopted profession to practise, they nonetheless are able to wangle fake certificates and identity cards to back up their fraudulent claims. Early this month, this newspaper reported a sensational case of a fake medical doctor who had been practising for nine years ...