Overcoming food insecurity in Nigeria
The American psychologist, Abraham Harold Maslow, in his 1943 paper, “A theory of Human Motivation”, in the journal, Psychological Review, put basic human needs as food, shelter and clothing. They are the essentials for every decent human being. No one can survive for long without food. It is from it that all required human nutrients for growth and development are got. Among the nutrients contained in food are vitamins, proteins, and carbohydrates. Foods are sourced from farming which can be through crop cultivation, fisheries or animal husbandry. Elementary agriculture refers to cash crops and food crops, rearing of livestock such as cattle, buffaloes, sheep, goats, and rabbits. Agriculture value chain is very long. Apart from cultivation, there are also transport, processing, packaging, marketing and consumption. Two broad types of farming practiced in Nigeria are subsistence and mechanised farming. Given Nigeria’s huge population which is put at about 206 millio...