Child farming and marketing in Nigeria, an online dictionary, describes farming as the act or process of working the ground, planting seeds and growing edible plants. You can also describe raising animals for milk or meat as farming. However, will it be inappropriate to classify breeding children for sale as farming? Are you shocked that there are some mindless animals in human skins who, under different guises and ruses, arrange for young boys to impregnate teenage girls and then sell off those children to prospective buyers when they were born? Things are indeed happening in Nigeria. An online magazine named Wide Angle in a November 11, 2008 news report titled Nigerian Babies Bred for Sale reported thus: “police in the city of Enugu in south-eastern Nigeria raided a maternity hospital suspected to be a ‘baby farm.’ The authorities were tipped off by a pregnant teenage girl who managed to escape from the clinic, where she was being held hostage along with seven other pregnant women awaiting delivery....