Viewpoint on Belgore Committee Report on Constitution Review
Effort at the fourth alteration of the
1999 Constitution is gradually gathering momentum with the submission of the
report of the Presidential Committee on the Review of
Outstanding Constitutional Issues headed by the former Chief Justice of
Nigeria, Hon. Justice Alfa Belgore. The Committee which was inaugurated on
November 17, 2011 submitted its report to President Goodluck Jonathan on July
10, 2012. The committee was saddled with the responsibility of reviewing
outstanding issues from the recent constitutional conferences with a view to
determining their relevance to national development.
report has it that the committee came up with a bouquet of recommendations.
Some of them include the following: Devolution of powers from federal to state
government while the Federal Government retain powers only necessary for
maintaining the sovereignty of the country; Creation of “an optimally
independent, incorruptible and stabilising local government system that shall
always be administered by democratically elected officials that must be
accountable, responsive to local needs, directed, controlled and sanctioned by
appropriated laws.”; the scrapping of the State Joint Local Government Account
Committee and establishment of the States Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and
Fiscal Commission (SRMAFC), which will allocate funds to the state government,
local government councils and between local councils of a state, using the same
distribution principles for revenue allocation formula adopted by RMAFC when
allocating funds from the Federation Account.; Legal backing for power
rotation; Retention of immunity clause for President, Vice-President, Governors
and Deputy Governors; Establishment of the Office of Independent Counsel;
Creation of at least one more State in the South-East; and, Reduction of number
of judges at election tribunals from three to one to hear petitions other than
that of the Presidential and Governorship elections.
I commend the Justice Belgore
committee for coming up with thought-provoking recommendations. While I am in
total agreement with some of the recommendations, I however have reservations
with others. For instance, I wholeheartedly endorse and adopt the
recommendation on devolution of power. Nigeria federalism is warped as it has
all the appurtenances of a unitary system. A cursory glance at the Second
Schedule of our 1999 Constitution, as amended which details legislative list
will buttress this view. There are a whooping 68 items on the Exclusive
Legislative List while there are just 30 items on the Concurrent Legislative
List. A further examination will reveal that some items like Labour matters;
Insurance, Mines and Minerals, Pensions and Gratuities, Post Telegraphs and
Telephones, Railways, Police and other government security services established
by law, Prisons, Public Holidays, Stamp duties, Taxation of incomes, profits
and capital gains are all under the
exclusive list. This omnipotent status of Federal Government has been an
unabating source of tension in inter-governmental relations. Time is thus ripe
for the Federal Government to hands off some of the non-sensitive areas.
I am in support of moving the
afore-listed items to the concurrent legislative list. I see no reason why
Railways, Labour matters or public holidays should be the prerogative of the
federal government. Even the issue of state police is doable if the political
will is there. After all, there is State High Courts, State Electoral
Commissions, and State Boards of Internal Revenue; by the same token there
should be state police and prisons. This will ensure that there is complete
judicial system (Police, Court and Prison) in State as there is at the federal
level. The fear of abuse is genuine but
all that is needed is proper guidelines with in-built checks and balances. In America where we borrow our idea of
federalism, this is the norm.
On the suggested local government
reform, am also in total agreement with the Belgore committee. The system of
local government administration in Nigeria has been greatly perverted by the state
governors. Section 7 (1) says “the system of local government by democratically
elected local government councils is under this constitution guaranteed….”
However, experience has shown that this has not been the case in some states. Some
state governors have blatantly refused to adequately fund their State
Independent Electoral Commission to enable them conduct periodic elections
while preferring to appoint caretaker committees or sole administrators to man
the saddle of local governments in their states. Another perversion in the
local government administration is the joint state-local government account
which has enabled the governors to have stranglehold on local government
management. Mercifully, Belgore committee has called for the abolition of this
account and its replacement with States Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation and
Fiscal Commission (SRMAFC). This is better.
Am also delighted that the
presidential committee has proposed that
the power to create local government areas should be wholly vested in
states and that in order to avoid a
situation where states will go on local government creation spree for the
purpose of collecting more allocations from the Federation Account, the
committee advised that the number of local governments shall not be a
consideration in the allocation of national revenue, rather allocation of revenue between the
states shall be based on the established allocation principles of population,
equality of states, internal revenue generation, landmass, terrain, as well as population
density, as already enshrined in Section 162 (2) of the Constitution . This
proposal, if adopted by the National and State Assemblies will help to solve
the endless agitation for creation of additional local governments or
development centers. Past experience in terms of local government creation has
been unsavoury. Location of the local government capital had been highly
contentious while many states have had to create development centres hoping to
have them listed as local government in the constitution. Lagos State is a case
in point. With this proposition, any state wanting to create additional local
government is free to do so but will have to take sole responsibility of
funding the bureaucracy.
I am however not pleased with the
call for additional State either in the South-East region or anywhere else.
There are far too many states already than for any new one to be contemplated.
The excuse of creation for equity sake does not hold water as there are
currently two centres of disequilibrium in the permutations of the geo-political
zones. North-west has seven states, namely, Kaduna, Kano, Jigawa, Sokoto,
Zamfara, Kebbi, and Katsina while South-east have five viz. Ebonyi, Enugu, Imo,
Anambra, and Abia. If an additional state is created in the South-east, it
brings the number to six while North-west will remain seven. Are we then going
to create additional state in all the other zones to bring them to seven
each? In real term, agitation for state
creation will not cease in as much as people have the notion of
marginalization. Fiscal federalism, greater resource control and review of
revenue allocation formula in favour of state can be adopted rather than
encouraging further balkanization of the extant insolvent states which ideally
should warrant mergers of state for viability purpose. I am also in support of one term for
executive and power rotation. However, I am of the opinion that the power
rotation clause should be in the constitution rather than in subsidiary legislation
as an affirmative action clause to be operational for a period of term, say 50
years, after which the constitution can be altered to remove it when we may
have overcome our marginalization fear.
Come to think of it, should we be
talking of altering the constitution or writing a new one? If the judiciary is
proposing 52 recommendations as submitted by the immediate past Chief Justice
of Nigeria, Dahiru Musdapher and many other stakeholders are also coming up
with their plethora of proposed amendments, shouldn’t we take the bold
initiative of rewriting the entire Constitution?
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