My ‘Odyssey’ as a Nigerian Writer
In my 22 years as a writer, I
have faced a lot of daunting challenges ranging from self-doubt, fear,
rejection of manuscript, lack of financial reward and poor reading culture in
I started writing commentaries in
1990 during the military regime. It was an era when there was a lot of media
censorship with some print and electronic media proscribed for publishing news
which the military considered inimical to its interest. News on democracy,
human rights and development were highly censored. I recall that some of my
critical articles were not published by government owned media then. Even the
versions published by private media were sometimes watered down in order not to
offend the military rulers. OGBC 2 FM
Mailbag 2084, a radio programme to which I regularly contribute between 1991
and 1993, had to be rested by the station management after the annulment of the
June 12, 1993 presidential election. In
essence, just like media houses did, I nursed a palpable fear in those military
years. The return to civil rule changed all of that. More so with the coming
into force the Freedom of Information Act in 2011.
My self-doubt was as a result of
many years of failure of O’ Level English language. I consistently had P. 8
(ordinary pass) in the subject from 1985 when I first graduated from Secondary
School up until 1990 when I eventually had A 3. It was very traumatic for me.
However, I have largely overcome that challenge as I read about great writers
and draw inspiration from them.
In 2010, as a way of marking my
20th anniversary of commentary writing as well as commemorate
Nigeria’s Golden Jubilee, I decided to publish a book of essays. I worked on
the manuscript and thereafter started looking for publishers. One notable
Nigerian publisher scorned my manuscript being a compilation of commentaries.
She said it will not sell as she’s even having difficulty marketing creative
works in her stable. Not even my offer of paying for the publication dissuaded
her. Another publisher asked me for 75 per cent advanced payment on the agreed
cost of publication. This I could not afford. I was later
introduced to Joe Tolalu Associates in Lagos who gave me favourable terms of
payment. After the publication of the book “Nigeria, My Nigeria: Perspectives
from 1990 – 2010” I have had to market the book myself as a marketing deal
struck with a book seller was not profitable as I would like. I am happy to say
that the book has been well received and I am in the process of printing a
second edition as more people demand for copies.
Commentary writing either as a
freelance or columnist has not been financially rewarding in Nigeria. Many
newspapers in a bid to cut cost and because of the thought that they are doing
the writer a favour do not pay for published articles. In my 22 years of writing, it is only The Guardian who in 1996 paid me a total
sum of N400 for the three of my articles published in that year. The newspaper
paid N100 for two opinion pieces published on week days and N200 for the one
published on Sunday. When I got the money I used it to buy belt at Oshodi
market. It is therefore passion that has sustained my writing.
Poor reading culture among
Nigerians has also been a disincentive to Nigerian writers. It is the joy of a
writer to be read. Greater joy comes when there are feedbacks. It is very
discouraging when sometimes my family and friends see me as wasting my time
writing. While many say they don’t have time to spare to read hard stuffs like
commentaries, others believe it will change nothing. However, I have psyched
myself up to believe in my passion and continue to write for the betterment of
N.B: This piece was written on demand by Bisi Daniels, Nigerian prolific novelist and journalist and was first published in his Writers World column in Thisday newspaper of Saturday, December 15, 2012.
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