Is that thing an asset or a liability?
Live on what you earn,
Live if possible on less,
Never borrow for vanity or pleasure,
For vanity will end in shame,
And pleasure in regret.
- Author unknown
Why do some Nigerians indulge in flamboyant
lifestyles? Why do some of my compatriots like ostentatious living even when
they can ill-afford it? Who do they want to impress? It is not uncommon to see
some Nigerians acquire gadgets they don’t need, can’t afford, and don’t know how
to use. Some persons are obsessed with acquiring all modern contraptions they
see; from cars, to phones, wrist-watches, computers, music machines, television
sets, air conditioning systems, freezers, cookers and other household items.
Starting with cars, some people are gripped with
the Sport Utility Vehicles (which in local parlance is called Jeeps) and other
posh cars. They allow themselves to be lured by credit facilities granted by
some banks or car dealers to buy at almost double the market price. Because they
have a long term to pay back the money for the cars, they jump at it without
thinking through if they actually need such classy cars in the first place or if
they could maintain them. Quite unfortunately, some of those cars do get stolen
or get involved in accidents even before the owners finish paying the loans. If
the vehicles are not insured, that is tantamount to double jeopardy as they
would still have to repay the loan for the lost car.
The same goes for other afore-listed appliances
or gadgets. Some people have up to three smartphones, just as a status symbol.
I have seen people who are looking for jobs buying BlackBerry or smartphones
when what they actually need is a phone for basic communication. The sad pity is
that a significant number of people using smartphones do not know how to make
optimal use of them. All they know how to do is to call, text, take pictures,
and access the social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc). The phone may yet
have over 20 other functions which many of the users never know how to operate.
This inability to make maximum use of the phones and other electronic gadgets
arise from the owner’s inability to read the manufacturers manual of such
The same applies with computers. There are some
people who unnecessarily acquire desktops, laptops and i-pads for personal use.
When asked why they are buying all these gadgets, they’ll tell you they perform
different functions. Some will say they want to be current or want to be seen as
being sophisticated. There are people going for LCD, flat screen television they
don’t have the resources to buy. Some buy on loan from their cooperative
societies or through bank facilities.
There is also another category of Nigerians who
though love to party but would rather borrow to throw the bash. They buy
everything for the celebration on credit – foodstuff, drinks, and rent hall,
cloths, among others. The one they couldn’t get on loan, they borrow to pay for
with the hope that they would use money given them by well-wishers to offset the
debts. Oftentimes, little or nothing is realised from this expected source.
With the party over, the host begins to worry and
dodge from their debtors. What a life! Can’t people just learn to live within
their means? Again, who are these people trying to impress? Is it the society
that is insatiable? Is it the people who will extol your virtue today when the
going is good and tongue-lash you when there is nothing to offer them?
I pity people who always want to be trendy. I
mean the gadget freaks. They want to have the latest cars, phones, computers,
wrist-watches, cloths, shoes, bags, belt, perfumes, ties, eyeglasses, settees,
and many more. Good, if they can afford them. But, it is patently clear that
many could not but are just acting under peer pressure. The humongous amount
some people invest on contraptions they barely need, referred to as toys in the
social circles, is enough to build decent houses for their families. Of what use
is acquiring all manner of gadgets when you are in a rented apartment and unable
to meet the basic needs of your immediate family? For sure, you don’t have to be
ostentatious to be fashionable. Some people misapply the dictum that, “As you
dress, so you’ll be addressed”. You can dress simply and moderately and still be
appreciated. These people forget the wise saying that it is important to cut
one’s coat according to the length of the cloth and not one’s size or as put by
one of the Pentecostal pastors, “Life is in phases, men are in sizes”.
This rat race has led many into avoidable debts,
financial crises, crimes, sickness and even untimely deaths. Pity, sad pity. If
only many of us will cease to be impulsive buyers. If only we would think deeply
and separate our needs from our wants and imbibe the economist principle of
scale of preference and opportunity cost. If only we would resist peer and
family pressures and live our lives decently within the limits of our
If only we understand what is an
asset and what is a liability. Then, and only then, would we save ourselves from
the needless hassles of ostentatious, glitzy and vain-glorious
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