Nigerian government as ‘boko haram’
Boko haram which literally translates
in Hausa language as ‘western education is a sin’ is arguably the most widely
used expression in Nigeria today. The insurgent group headquartered in Borno
State introduced that vocabulary into Nigeria and indeed world lexicon when it
started its campaign against western education by attacking schools - abducting
and killing the students - and burning down the institutions. As I write this,
international appeal is still on to this terrorist group to release about 276 female
students of Chibok secondary school they abducted on the night of April 14. The
focus of this commentary is however not on the terrorist group but on Nigerian
government who has over the decades been showing disdain for western education.
Undoubtedly, Nigerian government is boko
haram. Be it at federal, state or local government levels. Our government may
not be burning schools, abducting pupils as well as killing and maiming
students and teachers as the terrorist group is doing; however, by refusing to
fund education adequately; by failing to address the demands of striking
polytechnic and colleges of education lecturers; by refusing to provide
conducive learning environment; by not providing jobs for graduates of the
country’s academic institutions; this government and its successors have proven
beyond reasonable doubts that they are boko haram.
It’s close to a year since the academic
staff union of polytechnics has been on strike. Committees have been set up,
meetings have been held, yet issues have remained unresolved. As such, Nigerian
polytechnics have remained under lock and key for upward of 11 months. ASUP
counterparts in the country’s colleges of education have been on industrial
action since December 2013 or thereabout.
Like ASUP, their demands have not been met and as such the institutions
have remained shut. In the last presidential media chat, when President
Jonathan was asked how and when the issues which has to do with implementation
of agreement reached with federal government by the unions since 2009 will be
resolved, the president glibly responded in a non-committal manner by saying
that the lecturers want to get paid for the months when they are on strike
which he said is illegal. In 2013 it
took six months of strike action before Federal Government resolved its issues
with the Academic Staff Union of Universities.
Due to insufficient subvention from
the federal and state governments, some universities owned by these two tiers
have started charging exorbitant tuition fees. One of such is the Lagos State
University which hiked the school’s tuition fee from about N25,000 to between
N250,000 to N350,000 depending on course of study. Students of Obafemi Awolowo,
Ile-Ife have also been protesting hike in their fees. The prohibitive tuition
fees charged by the private academic institutions in Nigeria have further led
to high school dropout or substantial lack of school enrolment. Education is a right and not a privilege
under Nigerian constitution even though it is not yet justiciable or
The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria (as
amended) under Chapter II which deals with fundamental objectives and directive
principles of state policy stated in section
18 as follows: (1)
Government shall direct its policy towards ensuring that there are equal and
adequate educational opportunities at all levels. (2) Government shall promote
science and technology (3) Government shall strive to eradicate illiteracy; and
to this end Government shall as and when practicable provide (a) free,
compulsory and universal primary education; (b) free secondary education; (c)
free university education; and (d) free adult literacy programme. It should be
categorically stated here that government is not striving to eradicate
illiteracy or ensuring that there are equal and adequate educational
opportunities by pricing education beyond the reach of average Nigerians who
though are poor but are ambitious to have western education.
It may be true that the present
Nigerian government is implementing free basic education, however, how about
the welfare of tutors? It is
disheartening to note that some states are yet to implement the negotiated 12.5
per cent salary increment agreed between the National Union of Teachers and the
government some two years ago. Government at the federal, state and local
government levels has always claimed they don’t enough money to give to
education due to dwindling resources. For
instance the education sector got N495.2bn out of the N4.964tn federal
budget for 2014 at a time when defence got about a trillion Naira (N968.127bn).
It’s about priorities. If the government does not want more of its citizens
being out of school, it needs to find creative ways of funding education
without shifting the burden on the already impoverished parents.
of the ways include the cutting down of wastes in government expenditure. I do
not see the sense in having 10 presidential jets when two or maximum of three
will do. Having more than two bullet proof cars at a time for president or
governors is undesirable. Situation where humongous amount is spent to cater
for the wants of our political elites has to change. Only their basic needs
should be met. Leakages within the
system whether it is called corruption, misappropriation, misapplication or
stealing needs to be plugged.
can show its encouragement for the attainment of education for all millennium
development goal by increasing provision of scholarship, setting up students
loans board to give credit facilities to needy students, meaningful bursary
award to cushion the effect of hike in tuition fees as well as meeting the operational
and welfare needs of both academic and non-academic staff of all our
educational institutions be it primary, secondary or tertiary.
addition, though government cannot provide all the job needs of Nigerians but
must strive to create the enabling environment for private sector intervention.
Private sector has been credited to be the engine of economic growth and
development in any human society. Cost of doing business needs to be
drastically reduced. Social infrastructures such as electricity, good road
network, hospitals, potable water all have to do with the creation of enabling
environment for private sector intervention and foreign direct investment. Good
legal and policy framework, tax incentive, stress free land acquisition will
all contribute to incentivizing the private sector investment.
job opportunities available to educated graduates; family and friends of the
gainfully employed will cease to see education as a sin the way they are
perceiving it now when the uneducated seem to be faring better than the
literates. Nigerian government at all levels needs to give prime attention to
education. It is only then they will cease to be, in my reckoning, boko haram.
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