Nigeria's soaring cases of paedophilia
I am worried, very worried about the
soaring cases of rape in Nigeria. If something is not done and very fast too,
we may end up being the country with the highest number of rape cases in the
world. There are different categories of rape.
Dr. Wilson in an article simply titled, Rape
tried to categorise them into Forcible rape, which is any forced sexual
intercourse between two adults; Statutory rape, which is sexual intercourse
between an adult and a minor (that is someone below 18 years of age); Incest,
which is sexual relations or marriage between two people who are forbidden to
marry by customs or law; Random or haphazard rape which is rape through a
random encounter with someone who is intoxicated with liquor or on drugs or
just psychopathic; and Professional rape
which is explained to be carried out by professionals, either alone or in a
gang. “These are used to condition
people for brainwashing, for political reasons, to inculcate ideas, or as part
of a culture or religion”. All these different categories are present in
The most heart rending to me of all
these categories is the rape of minors otherwise called pedophilia. Wikipedia
says “Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or
older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to
prepubescent children, generally age 11 years or younger.” According to Encyclopedia of Mental
Disorders, “Pedophilia is also a psychosexual disorder in which the fantasy or
actual act of engaging in sexual activity with prepubertal children is the
preferred or exclusive means of achieving sexual excitement and gratification.
It may be directed toward children of the same sex or children of the other
sex. Some pedophiles are attracted to both boys and girls. Some are attracted
only to children, while others are attracted to adults as well as to children.”
In the last one week, there have been
media reports of two acts of pedophilia. The first, reported in The Punch of September 3, 2015, was that
of a 34-year-old factory worker, Mohammed Ahmed, who admitted raping his
daughter six times. Ahmed, who was paraded by officials of the Osun State
Command of Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps said he started having sex
with his 14-year-old daughter (name withheld) in April, 2015. He has been
remanded at Ilesa prison while he is undergoing prosecution. The same newspaper in its September 7, 2015
edition also reported the case of a 41-year-old father, Emeka Igwe of Federal
Housing Estate, Meiran, Ojokoro, Lagos State
who has also been raping her seven year old daughter and has gotten her addicted to masturbation.
The Director of Project Alert, Mrs.
Josephine Effah-Chukwuma whose NGO is prosecuting the Emeka Igwe’s case said: “….we
are having an epidemic in our hand. Hardly a week goes by without us having
cases of children between the ages of three to seven being defiled.” Sad, very
sad indeed!
Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders says “Most
experts regard pedophilia as resulting from psychosocial factors rather than
biological characteristics. Some think that pedophilia is the result of having
been sexually abused as a child. Still others think that it derives from the
person's interactions with parents during their early years of life. Some
researchers attribute pedophilia to arrested emotional development; that is,
the pedophile is attracted to children because he or she has never matured
psychologically. Some regard pedophilia as the result of a distorted need to
dominate a sexual partner. Since children are smaller and usually weaker than
adults, they may be regarded as nonthreatening potential partners. This drive
for domination is sometimes thought to explain why most pedophiles are males.”
Under Nigerian jurisprudence, particularly
the Criminal Code of Nigeria, Rape is defined, as having unlawful carnal
knowledge of a woman or girl, without her consent, or with her consent, if the
consent is obtained by force or by means of threats or intimidation of any
kind, or by fear of harm, or by means of false act, or, in case of a married
woman, be personating her husband. This offence is punishable by imprisonment
for life, with or without caning. (See
Section 357 and 358 of the Criminal Code Cap “C38”, Laws of the Federation, 2004)
In plain language, in Nigeria, a person has
committed rape when he has sexual relations (carnal knowledge) with a woman
against her will; or
without her consent or,
while putting her in fear of death or hurt or,
misrepresenting as the husband of the woman or,
having carnal knowledge of a girl under 14 years, with or without her
consent or,
having carnal knowledge of a girl with unsound mind.
The one under discourse here is that of
subsection (d) which has to do with having carnal knowledge a girl under 14
years of age irrespective of whether she gives her consent or not. The Penal
Code (applicable in Northern part of Nigeria), goes further to say even where
the girl is a wife of the person, such person will be guilty of rape if she has
not attained puberty.
In a decided case of Edwin Ezigbo v.
The State (2012) 16 NWLR Pt 1326, My Lord Justice Muhammed J.S.C had this to
say; “the facts revealed in this appeal are sordid and can lead to a conclusion
that a man can turn into a barbaric animal. When the “criminal” was alleged to
have committed the offence of rape, he was 32 years. His two young victims:
Ogechi Kelechi, 8 years old and Chioma, 6 years, were, by all standard
underage. What did the appellant want to get out of these underage girls.
Perhaps, the appellant forgot that by nature, children, generally, are like
animals. They follow anyone who offers them food. That was why the appellant,
tactfully, induced the young girls with ice cream and zobo drinks in order to
translate his hidden criminal intention to reality, damning the consequences.
Honestly, for an adult man like the appellant to have carnal knowledge of
underage girls such as the appellant’s victims is very callous and animalistic.
It is against the laws of all human beings and it is against God and the State.
Such small girls and indeed all females of whatever age need to be protected
against callous acts of criminally likeminded people of the appellant’s
On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, the Senate
passed the Sexual Offences Bill, 2015 which prescribes life imprisonment for
rapists and those who have sexual intercourse with children under 11 years. The
passage of the bill followed the report of the Committee on Judiciary, Human
Rights and Legal Matters. Senator Chris
Anyawu from Imo State who was the main sponsor of the bill listed some of the
sexual offences captured by the bill to include gang rape, lacing drinks with
drugs with intent to sexually abuse, deliberately infecting partner with HIV
and other diseases. Others, according to
her, include child sex tourism, sexual harassment and prostitution of persons
with mental disabilities.
She said the bill had mandated the storing of
names of sexual offenders in database for institutional and social
discrimination. “Culprits would never be employed in any institution where they
may pose a risk to unsuspecting persons. You can see that the penalties are
weighty,” she opined. She also said convicted offenders would be subjected to
compulsory medical examination, while “those that, however, bring false sexual
allegation against any person will also be liable for punishment.’’
In an opinion article I did on this
issue of rape published in The PUNCH
of November 27, 2013 entitled “Let’s castrate the rapists” I observed
that: “The rape syndrome has been
gaining ascendancy due to a number of factors among which are the refusal of
many of the victims to lodge complaints with law enforcement agencies (some
victims would not even tell their family members or friends for fear of
stigmatisation); lack of diligent prosecution by police; difficulty in proving
the crime of rape; and light punishment meted out to perpetrators of
rape.” The most troubling about the act
of pedophiles, the animals in human skin, is that they are usually enemies
within. They are sometimes teachers of the pupils they rape, uncles, brothers, neighbours
and house helps to whom we entrust the care of our children.
The effects of rape are no less harrowing. The
victims often go into trauma, depression and become suicidal. They risk
Sexually Transmitted Diseases including HIV/AIDs. At times, unwanted pregnancy
becomes the testimony of the illicit act. In the process of procuring abortion,
which in itself is illegal in Nigeria, victims may lose their lives. Rape
therefore oftentimes makes their victims maladjusted, paranoid and skeptical of
even genuine love.
As a way of curbing the incidence of
pedophiles, the editorial of The PUNCH
of November 5, 2013 is very apt. “To
stem the tide, women affairs and social welfare departments at the federal,
state and local government levels have to start enlightenment campaigns to
alert parents and their children to this crime and how to avoid being violated.
Parents also have to spend more time with their children, be closer to them and
teach them about sex education early in life”. I maintained my stance of 2013
that the expeditious way to send the right warning signal to perpetrators of
rape is to simply castrate them, once they are found guilty. This way, they
will be perpetually incarcerated.
Jide is the Executive Director of OJA
Development Consult, Abuja. Follow me on twitter @jideojong
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