The vanishing culture of volunteerism in Nigeria
to “Volunteerism is the policy or practice of volunteering
one's time or talents for charitable, educational, or other worthwhile
activities, especially in one's community.” Volunteers are driven by passion to
leave a noble legacy of service to humanity. Talking about the power of
volunteerism, United Nations Volunteer Programme observed that “People the world over engage in volunteerism
for a great variety of reasons: to help to eliminate poverty and to improve
basic health and education, to tackle environmental issues, to reduce the risk
of disasters or to combat social exclusion and violent conflict. In all of
these fields, volunteerism makes a specific contribution by generating
well-being for people and their communities.” UNVP went further to emphatically
state that attainment of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by
2030 is impossible without people offering free services to support it.
national development is unattainable without some measure of volunteerism. This
is because government alone cannot bring about desired development. Neither is
the organised private sector whose motive of establishment is purely profit
making. This is why there is need for non-governmental, not-for-profit
organisations better known as NGOs to bridge developmental gap. The NGOs
comprising of Community Based Organisations, Faith Based Organisations,
Foundations and the wider civil society play critical roles in any country’s
developmental agenda.
the aforementioned UNVP, other examples of voluntary organisations include but
not limited to Voluntary Service Overseas which is an international development
charity with a vision for a "world without poverty" and a mission to
"bring people together to fight poverty". There is also International Red Cross Society
whose affiliate in Nigeria was founded in 1960 and has over 500,000 volunteers
and 300 permanent employees. Other examples of voluntary organisations include
the social clubs like the Boys Scout, Girls Guide, Boys Brigade, Dangote
Foundation, MTN Foundation, Rotary Club, Lions Club, and many more.
can also go it alone. Helping disaster victims through voluntary blood donation
or moving victims to hospitals is one of such ways. Whistle-blowing is also act of volunteerism.
Helping the physically challenged and the aged to cross busy roads, assisting
with traffic control when there is congestion, supporting the rebuilding of
dilapidated public infrastructures such as schools or hospitals, offering
scholarship to indigent pupils and students, offering pro-bono services as a lawyer, giving free medical support to
people in hard-to-reach rural communities, fixing bad roads with personal
resources, providing free security services are some of the ways individuals
can key into acts of volunteerism.
was one of the two guests invited to discuss “Volunteerism and National
Development in Nigeria” on a programme entitled “The Hub” on Galaxy Television,
Ibadan last Friday, February 17, 2017. The programme hosted by Daisy Olowu has
as a co-discussant, Mr. Babatunde Vaughn. In the course of the interaction, it
was discovered that the culture of volunteerism is vanishing in Nigeria. The
reasons are not far-fetched. One of them is that the economic meltdown has
incapacitated many people from offering voluntary services. Take for instance
Party Agency. Party Agents in an election are supposed to be volunteers who
would protect the interest of the party at different levels of the
electioneering process such as electoral materials distribution points, Polling
Units and Result Collation Centres. Unfortunately, unless the party or
candidates are willing and ready to pay for the services of this crop of agents,
they will decline to serve. That is why it’s only affluent political parties
and candidates that are able to deploy party agents at elections.
example is that of National Youth Service Corps. It is supposed to be a
voluntary service but many of the mobilised corps members hardly provide the
services expected of them during the year-long exercise. The mobilised youths
considered the monthly allowances paid by government as too paltry and the
conditions of service too unsavoury; hence they cook up all manner of excuses
to dodge offering of quality service even if they are mandatorily mobilised. It would seem the core value of service to
humanity has taken a new meaning considering the way and manner youths of today
placed primary importance on pecuniary or financial gains. Even when they
pretend to offer voluntary services, they tend to look for ways to exploit the
situation. There are those who under the pretext of helping disaster victims
scout for what to pilfer from the victims of such unfortunate incidents. I was
shocked to learn of how some individuals and organisations who raise funds and
source materials purportedly to help internally displaced persons divert such
resources for their personal aggrandizement. This is preposterous!
are making a career of Non-Governmental Organisations today when in actual fact,
with the exception of administrative staffs who are working full time; others
are supposed to have their primary jobs and only volunteer part of their free
time to work in the NGO office. Thus, aside economic depression, high rate of
unemployment had affected people offering volunteer services. Since no other
jobs are available to them, they decided to make a career of enrolling for
volunteer service. I must hasten to say that offering voluntary service as an
intern is a capacity building initiative and can prepare a volunteer or intern
for better employment opportunities; however, the primary motive of a volunteer
should be altruism or selflessness. Where the motive is different, such service
does not qualify to be voluntary.
is important for more Nigerians to embrace volunteerism. As espoused in this piece,
it’s an act of service to humanity. Everyone can volunteer something. You can
volunteer your time, energy, money, skills and many other resources. It’s all about making our society a better
place to live.
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