Dry season and the need for safety precautions

As the rainfall recedes and dry season takes over in Nigeria, a mixed grill of emotion is palpable. Those whose houses are prone to flood and have therefore gone to take refuge elsewhere are joyful to return home with the cessation of rain. Also gone is the blowing off of rooftops by windstorms, the marshy roads, the excessive wetness and other negative things associated with the rainy season. Now we are effectively in dry season. Should we rejoice?
Well, yes. We should be happy that the dry season is here. The harvest season for the farmers is here. Time of plenty and cheap food is here. Time of festivities, celebrations and partying has come Time of vacationing has dawned. However, dry season brings with it harmattan haze. Now, the fog and dew of harmattan makes visibility poor. Indeed, many flights are cancelled for that single reason as many pilots will not dare to fly blind; same with vehicular traffic. Poor visibility arising from harmattan smog has been responsible for many road crashes. It is ironic that some drivers who could not see up to 50 meters ahead of them will still be running at top speed because of the false sense of security that they are familiar with the road. What if the vehicle coming in opposite direction is not familiar with the highway as you are? It is therefore important for drivers, especially commercial drivers, to be extra cautious driving through the harmattan fog.  It is advisable that they drive with their headlamp and hazard lights on. This will indicate to other road users that a vehicle is coming their way.
A huge challenge posed by dry season is the numerous fire outbreaks associated with it. Annually, billions of Naira is lost to fire disasters in Nigeria. Wildfires are very common this season and any careless handling of fire this period could spell doom for many farmers. Smokers should beware of how they dispose off their cigarrete butts.  Those who are in the habit of hunting for bush-rats should take caution not to set farmlands on fire in order to smoke out rats and rodents. In our homes, everyone must be thought about safety and security. Many homes now use cooking gas especially in urban centres. This is an inappropriate time for children to be playing with matches in the kitchen or near cooking gas. Anything that is highly inflammable can cause major fire disaster, if not handled with care.  Over the weekend, a house in my neighbourhood was gutted by fire. Luckily only a part of the building was razed as sympathisers quickly moved in to assist in putting off the inferno.
Gas stations, fuel depots and public and private buildings should ensure that they have fire extinguishers handy as a first aid in case of fire outbreak. All electrical appliances not in use should be switched off and removed from the sockets to prevent electrical sparks from power surge. Nigerian Fire Service should be proactive by embarking on massive public awareness campaigns on prevention of fire outbreaks, evacuation tips in case of fire disasters and how to contact fire service in an emergency. The Fire Service at all tiers of government must be well resourced to rise up to the challenge of rapid response to emergency during this season. The media should partner the Fire Service in carrying out this fire safety and security campaign. Many of our radio and television programmes should centre on how to prevent and respond to fire disasters with experts from the Fire Service invited to come and educate the public. National Orientation Agency also owe it a duty to partner with the Nigerian Fire Service to embark on public outreach through road shows across our market places, motor parks and  other  public spaces to educate the masses on dangers and prevention of fire disasters.
It behooves the Federal Road Safety Corps to also carry out public enlightenment programmes at our motor parks to educate the commercial drivers on how to drive when there is harmattan miasma. This should be stepped up to radio and television programmes.
It is noteworthy that dry season is not only associated with high incidences of fire disasters; it also brings about outbreak of certain types of diseases. These include meningitis, catarrh, cough, sunburn, conjunctivitis, stomach ailments, skin diseases like heat rashes and rabies. The dust of the dry season can also trigger asthma and bronchitis attacks. A lot of people and animals will also experience dehydration while the excessive heat can cause sleeplessness.  It is therefore important for parents and guardians to ensure proper clothing for family members and other preventive measures in order to stay healthy this season.
Another thing that dry season triggers is the migration of animals. Because many rivers and streams will dry off likewise the vegetation, animals will foray to wherever they can get green pasture and water for their consumption. It is therefore very likely that many cattle herders will move their herds to where they could get food and water. This may cause spike in the herders and farmers clashes as the famished cattle may not discriminate between the farmers cops and grass in their incursion. Am flagging this issue so that relevant authorities can start mapping out preventive measures that will help to preempt this foretold conflict.
As we hold our parties this season let us be mindful of how we handle fire and combustible materials. Let us take heed of the dangers inherent in this hot, dry season. Let all relevant government agencies such as the FRSC, NOA, Nigeria Meteorological Agency, Nigeria Fire Service, and the Nigeria Emergency Management Agency get prepared, like Boys Scout, to play their role of sensitization, prevention, rapid response and rescue. I must warn that Nigerian public should do away with the dangerous culture of fiddling  with fireworks this Yuletide season. Safety first, safety always!  
Follow me on twitter @jideojong


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