Assessing Nigeria’s human rights situation
Where, after all, do
universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home — so close and so
small that they cannot be seen on any map of the world. […] Unless these rights
have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen
action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the
larger world.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
It was Prof. Albert Venn
Dicey better known as A.V Dicey, a British lawyer, who propounded the
principles of “Rule of Law”. They are: Supremacy
of the law; Equality before the law and Fundamental Human Rights. In a free society, every human being should
enjoy some inherent benefits. These include the right to life, right to acquire
property, right to freedom from discrimination, right to fair hearing, right to
personal liberty, and right to dignity of human person, among others.
Unfortunately, much as no right is absolute, as it is said that where someone’s
rights end is where mine begin, however, many of the avowed rights have been
severely curtailed in Nigeria, with the government and its institutions
observing these citizens’ rights in breach.
The Human Rights Day is
observed every year on December 10, which is the anniversary of the day that
the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights. This 2018 marked the 70th anniversary of the UDHR. The theme
of this year’s celebration is “Stand Up For Human Rights”. How has Nigeria
fared in the area of human rights observance? I was on Silverbird Television
magazine programme tagged, “Open Day”, last Friday, December 14, 2018 to
discuss Nigeria’s human rights record and other topical issues. My overall
assessment of Nigeria’s human rights’ performance is that while we are not
where we used to be, we are also not where we ought to be.
Using the Nigerian 1999
Constitution, as amended, as a benchmark, there are several of its provisions
that are not being respected by government institutions. This happens despite
the fact that there are many laudable provisions in Chapter II of the grundnorm
which have to do with “Fundamental Objectives and Directive Principles of State
Policy”. Take for instance, Section 14. Subsection (1) says, “The Federal
Republic of Nigeria shall be a state based on the principles of democracy and
social justice. (2) It is hereby, accordingly, declared that: (a) sovereignty
belongs to the people of Nigeria from whom government through this Constitution
derives all its powers and authority; (b) the security and welfare of the people
shall be the primary purpose of government: and (c) the participation by the
people in their government shall be ensured in accordance with the provisions
of this Constitution.” Section 15 (5) says “The State shall abolish all corrupt
practices and abuse of power.” Can anyone sincerely say government has been
able to do these things?
How about Section 18.(1)
which says “Government shall direct its policy towards ensuring that there are
equal and adequate educational opportunities at all levels and subsection (3)
which says Government shall strive to
eradicate illiteracy; and to this end Government shall as and when practicable
provide (a) free, compulsory and universal primary education; (b) free
secondary education; (c) free university education; and (d) free adult literacy
programme.” Will this ever happen in Nigeria given the clamour for the
privatisation and commercialisation of public education? Section 42 of the
Constitution says that there shall be freedom from discrimination but in
practice, we do know that women, youths, persons with disabilities are still
subjected to a lot of marginalisation.
When I said we are not where
we used to be I mean to refer to the better-forgotten military era when the
constitution was suspended and the country was being governed by decrees and
edicts. The years when there was severe press repression with many journalists
murdered, clamped into detention without trial or hounded into forced exile.
That was when critical media houses were proscribed. I am referring to that
point in time when innocent citizens were picked up by police for “wandering”
and tortured to admit to crimes they did not commit. Then, Nigeria was in a
Hobbesian state of nature where life was short, brutish and nasty.
We have since moved on from that era
especially in this Fourth Republic. Nigerians now enjoy better civil liberties.
Citizens now sue law enforcement agencies for their excesses and win. Many
courts have awarded damages to victims of oppressions by institutions of
governments. It is noteworthy that the
National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria was established by the
National Human Rights Commission Rights 1995 (as amended) in line with
Resolution 48/134 of the United Nations General Assembly which enjoins all
member states to establish independent National Institutions for the promotion,
protection and enforcement of human rights. This commission has assisted to
address and redress human rights abuses in Nigeria
It is interesting to know
that human rights curriculum has been mainstreamed into the training of
officers and men of Nigeria Police in order to make them more professional in
their service delivery. As part of measures to ensure inclusivity in Nigeria’s
electoral process, the Independent National Electoral Commission in November
2014 launched its own gender policy, in September 2018 publicly presented a
framework on access and participation of the PWDs in electoral process. and
just last week launched the ‘Framework
for Voting by Internally Displaced Persons’, The May 31, 2018 signing into law
of the “Not-too-young-to-run” bill by
President Muhammadu Buhari, the registration of 91 political parties, the
Continuous Voter Registration are all geared towards guaranteeing
the constitutional right of Nigerian citizens to vote and be voted for.
It is also noteworthy that
in order to promote the rights of women and youths to participate in
governance, the government at the federal and state levels has established
Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development as well as Ministry of Youths
and Sports. There are also the National Youth Policy, National Youth Council of
Nigeria, Youth Parliament and 2006 National Gender Policy.
It is important to state
categorically that abuse of human rights is not limited to government and its
agencies; even among ordinary citizens, there are a lot of infractions of human
rights. Those parents who sexually molest their children; those who send out
their children for child labour; those who injure children and wards under the
guise of corporal punishment are all guilty of human rights abuses.
Gender-based violence can be categorised as human rights abuse likewise
manufacturing, sales and marketing of fake, adulterated and expired products.
Electoral violence is also among as it
has the potential to prevent people from exercising their franchise during
As there are
constitutionally guaranteed rights, so are the obligated duties of the
citizens. Section 24 (c) of the Constitution urges “respect for the dignity of
other citizens and the rights and legitimate interests of others and live in
unity and harmony and in the spirit of common brotherhood; (d) make positive
and useful contribution to the advancement, progress and well-being of the
community where he resides; (e) render assistance to appropriate and lawful
agencies in the maintenance of law and order; and (f) declare his income
honestly to appropriate and lawful agencies and pay his tax promptly.”
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