Corruption in Nigeria’s land and housing sector
There is no gainsaying the
fact that corruption is very endemic in Nigeria. Otherwise, the menace will
never have featured in electoral campaigns in this part of the world. If there
is no corruption, there would be no need to establish anti-corruption agencies,
such as the Police, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Independent
Corrupt Practices and other related offences Commission, Code of Conduct Bureau
and Tribunal, and the Bureau of Public Procurement, among others.
One sector in Nigeria that
is reeking of corrupt practices is land and housing. Try purchase plot of land
from individuals in Nigeria’s urban centres and you’ll be lucky not to be duped
by greedy landowners and their agents who, in many instances, sell same plot of
land to many prospective buyers.
This ugly phenomenon, which
is most pronounced in Lagos State, has spread to many other towns and cities
across the country. Buying land from
private developers is not without its own headaches as the many attractive land
offers sometimes turn to be a hoax. If not, the cheap offers end up being very
exorbitant after all manners of administrative charges are leveled on a purported
cheap parcel of land.
While it is best to buy land
from the state government, getting
genuine land title documents becomes a serious challenge. There are syndicates
operating in the precinct of Ministry of Land and Housing that specialise in
extorting prospective land title seekers. Getting a genuine Certificate of
Occupancy and other land title documents is like a camel passing through the
eye of a needle. If a prospective land title seeker is not ready to grease the
palms of unscrupulous officials of the ministry, one may never get his or her land
title documents processed.
There is hardly anyone,
except those who probably know the governor or commissioners or other VIPs in
government, who will not have to pay above the official rate for processing of
land title documents.
If you pay hefty bribe and
get genuine land titles in Nigeria, I congratulate you. Why? It is because you are among the lucky few.
Many are issued fake land titles, even after paying all the official and
unofficial levies. The land owners may
not know this until they start developing the property and officials of the Ministry
of Land come around for inspection. By the time they request evidence of
official approval for the building under construction and you provide your land
deeds, you may be informed, matter-of-fact, that the documents in your
possession are fake land papers. Many people have fallen victim to this scam.
Corruption is so endemic in
the administration of land titles that once a prospective land title seeker is
ready to cough out sufficient bribes, he or she can get approvals to build in
unauthorised places, such as right of way, water plains, areas reserved for
recreational purposes and indeed, under PHCN high tension wires.
On the other hand, there are
reported cases of officials of the Department of Development Control in the
Ministry of Land and Housing going to building sites to extort land owners,
even when such landlords had genuine approvals.
The corruption chain is
equally manifest in building projects. Most times, artisans employed to work on
such projects are skilled in milking property owners. They inflate the prices
of building materials and even end up buying inferior ones. There have been
reported cases of bricklayers stealing bags of cement from project sites,
especially when the property owners did not hire somebody to supervise the
workers. When there is strict monitoring, they may decide to waste the
materials in order to “teach the owner of the property a lesson”.
Carpenters on building sites
also engage in their own sharp practices. They over-quote and under-supply
building materials. If they don’t under-supply, they will buy woods and planks
that are not insect resistant. As such, no sooner the house is built than the
termites will eat off the roofing planks and woods, thereby necessitating
substantive repairs.
Many of the welders, the
electricians, the plumbers and other artisans engaged in the building industry
are merchants of corruption. They inflate the cost of materials and still end
up buying substandard products. Many building contractors are masters of this
ignoble game.
Apart from site workers,
there are also street urchins, popularly called ‘Area Boys’ or Omo Onile, literally meaning ‘children of land owners’,
unlawfully going around to demand cash payments at different stages of the
building project. They collect money during the foundation stage, roofing stage,
and other stages of building construction. Failure to part with the demanded
sum may lead to stoppage of work or destruction of work done.
There is, therefore, a nexus
between corruption and the flurry of building collapse incidents being
experienced all around this country. Building houses and other edifices with
substandard products is a disaster in waiting.
Bribing ministry officials to obtain wrong approvals also contributes in
no small measure to the spate of building collapse. Unless and until corruption
is rooted out of the land and housing sector, there may not be an end to the
heartrending incidents of building collapse.
Talking about building
approvals, it is important to use this opportunity to sound a note of warning
to approving officers in all the federal and states Ministries of Land and
Housing to be aware of the provisions of the recently signed National
Disability Act.
It would be recalled that
President Muhammadu Buhari on Wednesday, January 23, 2019 signed the National
Disability Bill into an Act. The Act provides for a five-year transitional
period within which public buildings, structures or automobile are to be
modified to be accessible to and usable by persons with disabilities, including
those on wheelchairs. The Act further provides that: “Before erecting any
public structure, its plan shall be scrutinised by the relevant authority to
ensure that the plan conforms with the building code.
“A government or government
agency, body or individual responsible for the approval of building plans shall
not approve the plan of a public building if the plan does not make provision
for accessibility facilities in line with the building code. An officer who approves or directs the
approval of a building plan that contravenes the building code, commits an
offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of at least N1m or a term of
imprisonment of two years or both.” I do hope the creeping corruption in that
sector will not render this provision of the Act as a toothless bulldog, which
can only bark but not bite.
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