My Vision 2020 for Nigeria
“Vision 20:2020 is an articulation of the long-term intent to
launch Nigeria onto a path of sustained social and economic progress and
accelerate the emergence of a truly prosperous and united Nigeria. Recognising
the enormous human and natural endowments of the nation, the blueprint is an
expression of Nigeria’s intent to improve the living standards of her citizens
and place the country among the Top 20 economies in the world with a minimum
GDP of $900 billion and a per capital income of no less than $4000 per annum.”
– Nigeria’s Vision 20:2020
From today, January 1, 2020, we have set on a journey of
another year as well as another decade. As is customary with many of us, we set
ourselves resolutions of what we intend to desist from and what to embrace in
the New Year. These resolutions are sometimes partly or fully kept. Oftentimes,
they are not kept at all. Yet, we continue to make the resolutions year in,
year out.
About a decade ago, Nigeria envisioned to be one of the top
20 economies in the world by this year 2020. This was based on assessment of
its abundant human and material resources and on the assumption that the
country’s resources would be properly managed and channelled to set economic
goals. To achieve this, the Vision 2020 identified six interwoven pillars,
including good governance and an efficient state, skilled human capital,
vibrant private sector, world class physical infrastructure and modern
agriculture and livestock, all geared towards prospering in national, regional
and global markets.
According to the 134-page document, “The NV20:2020 economic
transformation blueprint is a long-term plan for stimulating Nigeria’s economic
growth and launching the country onto a path of sustained and rapid
socio-economic development. The blueprint articulates Nigeria’s economic growth
and development strategies, for the eleven-year period between 2009 and 2020,
and will be implemented using a series of medium-term national development
From the aforementioned, it is clear that the NV 20:2020 was
a grandiose plan. Prior to this, we had had the Vision 2010 when we thought all
social amenities such as housing, health, education would be available and
affordable for all Nigerians. Before that, we had several development plans and
economic blueprints. I recall that former President Olusegun Obasanjo launched
with glee the National Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy popularly
known as NEEDS. There was also the State Economic Empowerment and Development
Strategy known as SEEDS as well as its local government version called LEEDS.
While the Vision 20:2020 was supposedly being implemented,
this regime in 2017 launched the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan. “The
Economic Recovery and Growth Plan is a Medium-Term Plan for 2017-2020,
developed by the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari for the purpose
of restoring economic growth while leveraging the ingenuity and resilience of
the Nigerian people – the nation’s most priceless assets”.
In spite of these development strategies and economic
blueprint, Nigeria’s Human Development Index value for 2018 remained 0.534 –
which put the country in the low human development category- positioning it at
the 158th out of 189 countries and territories. In April 2019, the Misery Index
ranked Nigeria and South Africa as Africa’s Most Miserable Countries. The
country still ranks high on maternal and infant mortality while our life
expectancy is one of the lowest in the world.
Why is it that in spite of all the development plans,
strategies and goals as well as the visions of development, the country still
lags behind in the comity of nations? The answer is not far-fetched. We are
long on rhetoric and short on delivery. We are very adept at sloganeering and
propaganda rather than do the needful.
The political will to do the right thing is lacking while our leaders
prioritise their personal aggrandisement over national development.
Nigeria has for long been classified as one of the
resource-curse countries. The potential is high. The human and material
resources are many. Our natural resources comprising oil and gas as well as
solid minerals are enough to make us attain the Vision 20:2020. Unfortunately,
we are perpetual underachievers. As aptly described by the Professor of
Political Science and incumbent Vice Chancellor of Igbinedion University,
Eghosa Osagae, Nigeria is a crippled giant.
It shouldn’t be so but that is the stark reality. Among the
key contributory factors to our underdevelopment is corruption. We have been
unfortunate to be governed by a team of rapacious leaders whose welfare and
well-being are prioritised over and above those of the citizens. If the
resources of the country had been used to develop it and not diverted to
private pockets, our decaying infrastructure would have been long fixed. Our
public schools would not be in deplorable conditions that they are; our
hospitals would not be mere consulting clinics that many of them are now; our
road networks which are pot-hole ridden and death-traps would not have been
this awful. What would Nigeria have had to do with poverty? Ironically, due to
corruption and mismanagement of the nation’s resources, we are now the world
capital of countries with extreme poverty.
As we start this New Year and decade, can our leaders across
board – the three arms of government and the three tiers of government – make a
new commitment to work assiduously for the betterment of our suffering
motherland? Can they make a New Year
resolution not to pilfer the country’s resources again? Can they turn a new leaf
and shun corrupt practices in all ramifications? Can they simply make our money
and other resources work for us? That would be very heartwarming if they can do
On the part of the citizens, we also have roles to play. Our
duty is to support government to succeed. To whom much is given, much is
expected. As citizens, we all must shun our petty corrupt practices. We must be
our brother’s keeper. We must pay our taxes, stop vandalising public utilities
and be patriotic. We must also engage our elected representatives and demand
transparency and accountability in government. As the saying goes, eternal
vigilance is the price of liberty.
Happy New Year everyone!
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