The media and disability inclusion
Indeed, there is no limit to
knowledge. Recently, a disability persons’ organisation called, Inclusive
Friends Association, gathered a handful of journalists from the print and
electronic media in Akwanga, Nasarawa State to build their capacity on how to properly
report on issues of Persons with Disability. It turned out that many of the
journalists in attendance were ignorant of so many things about this community
of people who constitute 15 per cent of the world population and who are
estimated to be over 27 million of Nigeria’s population. I heartily
congratulate all the PWDs on the occasion of this year’s International Day of
Persons with Disabilities.
According to the United
Nations, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities is annually observed
on December 3 to promote the full and equal participation of persons with
disabilities and to take action for their inclusion in all aspects of society
and development. This year, the Day is being commemorated throughout the week
of November 30-December 4, in conjunction with the 13th session of the
Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities. The theme this year is,
“Building Back Better: Towards a disability-inclusive, accessible and
sustainable post COVID-19 World”.
The training for journalists
on issues of persons with disabilities brought together seasoned resource
persons comprising the award-winning ace broadcaster, Eugenia Abu; Executive
Director of Inclusive Friends Association, also a musician, Grace Jerry; Social
Inclusion Officer – CDGP, Save the Children, Esther Angulu; Programme Manager with
IFA, Jesse John and myself.
Despite my decades of working
in the civil society and media, the November 18 – 19, 2020 Disability Focused
Media Reporting Training for Journalists was an eye-opener and learning curve
for me despite being one of the resource persons. I did learn a lot and have
decided to share some of the useful tips and information in this public space.
Even though my primary audience today is the media, I am also reaching out to
all of us out there to change our perception of people with disabilities. The
PWDs in Nigeria nay Africa are stigmatised, marginalised and discriminated
against. They find it hard to get an
education and learn new skills, have good healthcare, get a job and earn money,
be treated with respect, access the technology they need and take part in their
community life.
Starting from the basics, what
does disability mean? The WHO defines disabilities as “an umbrella term,
covering impairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions” of
the human body. The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities in its preamble, says, “disability results from the interaction
between persons with impairments and attitudinal and environmental barriers
that hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis
with others.”
There are different types of
disabilities which loosely fall into four separate categories – intellectual,
physical, sensory, and mental illness.
Physical disability may affect, either temporarily or permanently, a
person’s physical capacity and/or mobility. Examples include amputation,
arthritis, acquired spinal injury, and post-polio syndrome. On the other hand,
sensory disability affects one or more senses; sight, hearing, smell, touch,
taste or spatial awareness. Examples
include, autism spectrum disorder, blindness and low vision, hearing loss and
sensory processing disorder. Developmental disability encompasses a broad range
of conditions that result from intellectual and/or physical impairments.
Examples of this include, Down syndrome, Language and learning disorders and
cerebral palsy. Lastly, psychosocial
disability is the experience of people with impairments and participation
restrictions related to mental health conditions. People who have post-traumatic stress
disorder, bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety fall into this category.
Persons with disabilities face
three major kinds of barriers namely, attitudinal, environmental and
institutional: attitudinal barriers
resulting from negative perceptions and stereotypes about the PWDs; cultural
beliefs, misinformation or lack of knowledge about disability. i.e. disability
is a curse or the PWDs are not worthy of being elected into public office. Environmental barriers resulting from
conditions of the natural or built environment that make it difficult for all
people to access or use places, instruments etc. For example, inaccessible
polling units, inaccessible public buildings, inaccessible means of
transportation, etc. Institutional
barriers include laws, policies, strategies or practices that discriminate
against persons with disabilities. This could include lack of political support
or enforcement of policies that promote accessibility and inclusion.
Three key things being
demanded by the people living with disabilities, according to the UNCRPD
principle, are participation and inclusion; non-discrimination and
accessibility. For example, Article 29 of the UNCRPD said States Parties like
Nigeria shall guarantee to persons with disabilities political rights and the
opportunity to enjoy them on an equal basis with others by “ensuring that
voting procedures, facilities and materials are appropriate, accessible and
easy to understand and use”.
As I noted in one of my two
presentations titled, “Reframing disability in the news”, it is very important
that both journalists and communications professionals connect disability
issues with human dignity and rights. There is a need to embrace human rights
approach to issues of the PWDs. In describing a person with a disability, focus
should be on the individual and not on their particular functional or physical
limitations. For example, say Bartimeaus the blind not the blind Bartimeaus.
Emphasis should be on ability, not the disability (unless it is critical to the
Other tips are: journalists should
avoid emotional words such as “unfortunate” or “pitiful”. Also, they should avoid sad music or
melodramatic introductions when reporting on disability. Never refer to individuals with disabilities
as the disabled. Portraying people with disabilities as active members of
society and not as passive and dependent helps to break down barriers and opens
up opportunities. It is important to allow persons with disabilities to speak
for themselves rather than through their caregivers.
In my other presentation
titled, “The Role of the Media in Disability Awareness”, I raised the following
points: The need to raise awareness on the challenges persons with disabilities
face like social protection and the issues surrounding disability; factors that
contribute to the exclusion and the stigmatisation of persons with
disabilities. The imperative of introducing discussions on disability in the
public arena to challenge the idea of it as a taboo subject should stressed.
For example, albinism as punishment from the gods; use of persons with albinism
and hunchback for rituals. There is a need to feature examples of persons with
disabilities as providers of expertise, services, assistance and as
contributors of financial support to their families and communities. They have
the same range of emotions, interests, talents, skills and behaviour as the
rest of the population and should be portrayed as having the same complexity of
personality and experience as other persons of similar age and situation.
It is vital for all
journalists to be familiar with the internationally approved ways of addressing
persons with disabilities. According to the UNCRPD, the appropriate way to
address the PWDs should be as persons or people with disabilities, and not as
disabled, handicap or people with special needs. It is appropriate to say
someone has physical disability not a cripple; you can say they are deaf or
hard of hearing not the deaf; it’s okay to say someone is blind or has a low
vision and not the blind; say someone with autism or albinism not an autistic
or albino; say, “He has brain injury” and not “he is brain damaged”. Say
someone with psychiatric disability or mental illness not crazy, psycho or
As journalists, there are lots of things we can write on persons with disabilities in order to bring their issues to the fore. Take for instance the impact of COVID-19 on PWDs or that of the #EndSARS protests and its fallouts on the PWDs. Recall the invasion of the psychiatric hospitals in Calabar, Cross River State and Abeokuta in Ogun State. It will also be good to tell inspiring stories about Nigerian PWDs who have overcome their challenges to impact their world. People like ace musicians and producers Cobham Asuquo and Yinka Ayefele, academics like Prof. Chinua Achebe, Prophet T.O. Obadare and a host of Nigerian paralympians who have made us proud in sports and entertainment industries.
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