Reversing rising insecurity in Nigeria
There is hardly any cheering
news in Nigeria these days. Pervasive insecurity has cowed people with citizens
taking to praying and fasting seeking divine help for protection. Truth be
told, insecurity is not peculiar to Nigeria, as it is a global phenomenon.
However, while many other countries have found creative ways of tackling and
taming this monster, Nigeria seems to be paying lip service to her security
Banditry, kidnapping for
ransom, insurgency, cultism and street gangsterism, robbery, pipeline
vandalism, rape, arson, ritual murder, Internet scamming, herder-farmer clashes
and burglary are some of the heinous crimes being perpetrated in Nigeria with
near impunity. Many citizens are having sleepless nights while the Very
Important Personalities now live in fortresses and drive armoured vehicles with
armed police and private security escorts. The hapless majority are left to
cater for themselves too by hiring private security guards to secure their
communities while some others join in mounting guards to ward off criminal elements
from their neighbourhoods.
Nigeria is surely slipping
into the Hobbesian state of nature where life is short, brutish and nasty.
Little wonder the 2020 Global Terrorism Index put Nigeria at number three in
the world. According to the report produced by Vision of Humanity, “Nigeria is
the third country most impacted by terrorism…Boko Haram, Nigeria’s deadliest terrorist
group, recorded an increase in terrorist activity mainly targeted at civilians
by 25 per cent from the prior year. Additionally, Fulani extremists were
responsible for 26 per cent of terror-related deaths in Nigeria at 325
There is no gainsaying that
poverty, unemployment and corruption are among the drivers of insecurity in
Nigeria. According to the “African
Liberty” publication of April 11, 2019, Steve Hanke, a Professor of Applied
Economics at The Johns Hopkins University and a Senior Fellow at Cato
Institute, in 2019, ranked Nigeria and South Africa as Africa’s most miserable
countries. According to Hanke, he arrived at this ranking by considering the
“sum of unemployment, inflation and bank lending rates, minus the percentage change
in real GDP per capita.” Among the countries ranked in his 2018 edition,
Nigeria, South Africa, and Egypt are in the top 10 of most miserable countries.
Most Nigerians are hungry
because they are poor, and as the saying goes, a hungry man is an angry man.
The hunger and anger of many Nigerians were demonstrated last October during
the #EndSARS protests that engulfed many states in Nigeria. The invasion of the
warehouses where COVID-19 palliatives were stored by multitudes shows that the
country may not survive a similar uprising in near future. Already, Nigeria has
slipped into her worse recession in over three decades by the end of last year.
Thus, poverty, unemployment and inflation have continued to soar. As the saying
goes, water must find its level. Many Nigerians without prior criminal records
are now taking to crime in a bid to survive the deplorable economic situation.
The porous nature of Nigeria’s
borders with over 1,400 illegal entry routes have made the smuggling of small
arms and light weapons as well as hard drugs into the country very easy.
Africanews in its online publication of August 4, 2016 reported that the United
Nations has raised alarm over the illicit proliferation of Small Arms and Light
Weapons in Nigeria. The global body said that more than 350 million out of the
estimated 500 million of such weapons in West Africa is domiciled in the
country. According to the UN, this has highlighted, more than ever before, the
critical need not only to control the flow of arms in the non-state sector, but
also the state-owned actors through the effective management of the armoury and
weapon stockpiles.” Easy access to small arms and light weapons as well as
psychotropic substances by criminally-minded people facilitates crimes.
Unfortunately, the huge size
of Nigeria and limited number of security agents have given room to non-state
actors to operate with impunity in the widely ungoverned spaces in the country.
With less than 400,000 officers and men recruited to police a country of 206
million people, a country whose total strength of its combined Armed Forces is
less than a million and which also operates largely manually, it shouldn’t come
to anyone as a surprise that the country ranks high on the Global Terrorism
What do we need to do? The
change of the service chiefs is a step in the right direction. Though not the
silver bullet or panacea for resolving the growing insecurity and insurgency,
it will boost the morale of the troops and encourage them to perform better.
The real antidote to the festering insecurity lies in two broad approaches. The
hard and the soft approaches. The hard
approach includes recruitment of more security personnel, building of more
police stations and military cantonments to enable them secure the ungoverned
spaces, procurement of security hardware such as Armoured Personnel Carriers,
Rifles, operational vehicles, sophisticated communication gadgets, building and
equipping of forensic laboratories, data capturing of arrested criminals,
deployment of technology in the fight against crimes such as use of all-weather
drones, Closed Circuit Television cameras, automated scanner machines, jammers,
trackers, etc.
All these will aid
intelligence gathering by security operatives and with better coordination and
information sharing among the security agencies, a significant headway in the
fight against insecurity will be achieved.
However, the hardware approach
alone will not solve the problem. There is a need to complement it with the
soft approach. This other approach includes job creation and economic
empowerment especially for the teeming youths who constitute over 60 per cent
of the population. There is a need to also scale up social safety net through
pro-poor measures. Conditional Cash Transfer is a good case in point. Beyond
these, it is needful to fix the decadent and insufficient infrastructure
especially affordable electricity supply. This will reduce the cost of doing
business and grow the informal sector including the Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises. In addition, we should embrace value re-orientation.
Above all, it is imperative to
break the culture of impunity. As the saying goes in the USA, “if you do the
crime, you will do the time”. Arrested criminals should be diligently and
effectively prosecuted in a competent court of law. The blanket issuance of
amnesty to criminal elements can be very counter-productive.
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