Protecting the environment to save ourselves
On August 4, 2021, on my
programme, Development Focus with Jide Ojo on ITV, Abuja, I was privileged to
host an environmentalist, Mr. Olusola Babalola, the Executive Director of
Centre for Environmental Sustainability and Development Awareness. He was on
the programme to discuss the topic: “Managing environmental hazards in
Nigeria”. During the interactive session, we touched on a wide-range of
environmental issues from desertification to flooding, wildfires, environmental
pollutions, health hazards and how best to tackle climate change. It was quite
Incidentally, last week
Monday, precisely on August 9, 2021, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
released its Sixth Assessment Report in Geneva, Switzerland. That report was
very revealing. The IPCC report said inter alia that, “Many of the changes
observed in the climate are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of
thousands of years, and some of the changes already set in motion — such as
continued sea level rise — are irreversible over hundreds to thousands of
The report projects that in
the coming decades, climate changes will increase in all regions. For 1.5°C of global
warming, there will be increasing heat waves, longer warm seasons and shorter
cold seasons. At 2°C of global warming, heat extremes would more often reach
critical tolerance thresholds for agriculture and health. Coastal areas will
see continued sea level rise throughout the 21st century, contributing to more
frequent and severe coastal flooding in low-lying areas and coastal erosion.
Extreme sea level events that previously occurred once in 100 years could
happen every year by the end of this century. These are frightening
According to the IPCC Working
Group I Co-Chair Panmao Zhai, “Stabilising the climate will require strong,
rapid, and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, and reaching net
zero CO2 emissions. Limiting other greenhouse gases and air pollutants,
especially methane, could have benefits both for health and the climate”
In fairness to the Nigerian
government, as part of the global community fighting climate change, the
country now has a Federal Ministry of Environment as well as several agencies
helping to deal with environmental issues. These include the National
Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency, Nigeria
Meteorological Agency, Nigeria Hydrological Services Agency, Environmental
Protection Boards, Waste Management Boards, Ministry of Agriculture as well as
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development. There are several River Basin
Development Commissions as well as policy initiatives such as the Great Green
Wall meant to curb desertification as well as the WASH campaign.
However, despite these
numerous Ministries, Departments and Agencies, Nigerians’ attitude to the
environment leaves much to be desired. We care less about the ecosystem, we
despoil it and degrade it. For instance, despite the Great Green Wall
initiative, desertification in Northern Nigeria remains a clear and present
danger. This is partly the reason why cattle herders have to move their cattle
from the Northern part of the country to the Southern part in search of greener
pastures as the pastures in the north have been overgrazed and insufficient for
the herds of cattle that feed on them. In the course of looking for the
pastures, some of the herders end up grazing on crops of farmers, hence the
descent to the now intractable and perennial clashes between the pastoralists
and the farmers.
In spite of many deadlines for
the cessation of gas flaring in the oil-producing Niger Delta region, gas is
still being flared for the past 65 years since oil exploration started in
Nigeria. This gas emission and flaring are partly responsible for the ozone
layer depletion and global warming hence necessitating the much talked about
climate change. Meanwhile, it is the same gas international oil companies have
been flaring for decades that we are supposed to use to power our electricity
thermal stations and also for industrial and domestic uses. Today, despite all
the public sensitisation for Nigerians to embrace the use of clean energy for
cooking, cooking gas prices have become astronomical hence many women,
especially in sub-urban and rural areas have fallen back to using firewood and
charcoal. Of course, these two cooking agents are sourced by the cutting down
of trees which helps to protect the environment by emitting oxygen and taking in
carbon dioxide.
Despite the existence of the
environmental protection boards and waste management boards in all states of
Nigeria, residents still indulge in littering of their environment and
indiscriminate dumping of refuse. In many communities, residents still dump refuse
in water channels and drainage, especially during this rainy season. There is
also indiscriminate bush burning which has led to wildfires in many
places. It is also not uncommon to see
people building on water plains and under electricity high tension wires. When
disasters such as flooding and electrocution strike, we start to blame some
spiritual forces when we are the cause of our own misfortunes.
Not many Nigerians see the
nexus between environmental negligence and health hazards. They do not know
that the overgrown weeds around them and their unkempt environment provide a
fertile breeding ground for different types of mosquitoes be it anopheles or
any other. Little wonder we have not succeeded in rolling back malaria and
typhoid fever despite investment of billions of naira in campaigns and
provisioning of mosquito-treated nets. Many of my compatriots also fail
signally to see the nexus between their disdain for Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene and the perennial outbreak of cholera, dysentery and diarrhoea. As of
last week, a total number of 816 people were documented by the Nigeria Centre
for Disease Control to have died of cholera in Nigeria between January and
first week of August 2021. These are avoidable
and preventable deaths!
It is very doubtful if all
manufacturing companies in Nigeria submitted a valid environmental impact
assessment reports before relevant authorities licensed them to begin
operations. This is because of the amount of environmental degradations many of
these manufacturing companies have caused to their host communities. Many of the industrial wastes are not being
properly disposed. The effluent from many companies is just channeled into open
drainage and rivers thereby causing environmental pollution.
It is gladdening that the
Ejama-Ebubu community in Tai Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State took
the Shell Petroleum Development Company to court over the despoliation of their
environment. Though the case lasted over three decades, the Ogoni community
last week won eventually as the SPDC has agreed to pay the N45.9 billion that
the court awarded against the Dutch oil exploration giant.
At the international level,
the devastating flooding experienced in Germany and Belgium a couple of months
ago was as a result of climate change. The same is responsible for the flooding
experienced across many states in Nigeria.
If we don’t want to perish as a fool, we need to treat the environment
with greater care and tenderness. There is a need for reforestation in which
case tree planting should be accorded great priority across Nigeria.
Environmental sanitation should be taken seriously beyond the two hours’
observation accorded it every last Saturday of the month in some states. It
should be a daily routine. There is a need to embrace Water, Sanitation and
Hygiene by stopping the age-long practice of open defecation while practising
regular hand-washing. Environmental degradation by oil and solid mineral
exploration companies should also stop forthwith. It is also high time we
embraced recycling of solid wastes in order to create wealth. Lastly, all
environmental regulatory agencies should be alive to their responsibilities.
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