Follow your passion
I got involved in media advocacy
for development 27 years ago. Precisely in October 1990 when due to the
pervasive misery in the land I took up the challenge posed by my lecturer at the
University of Ibadan, Prof. OBC Nwolise to get involved in speaking out against
the injustices, poverty, bad governance and underdevelopment in the country. He
had challenged us in Advanced Level Extra Mural class in 1988 that beyond
the street protests, we can actually write opinions for publications in
newspapers in order to ventilate our grievances. So to speak, Prof. Osisioma
Nwolise nudged me into what has now given me identity; name and face
recognition. My gratitude to the erudite scholar.
Twenty-seven years ago, I didn’t
know I will earn my living in the development sector better known as
Non-Governmental Organisation. I didn’t
even know I will one day become a development consultant. To God alone be all
the glory for ordering my steps along the path that am now treading. My media advocacy
and work as a consultant are mutually reinforcing. Yes, I may not have made
money, stricto sensu (a la
late Professor Adekunle Amuwo) from my
media advocacy but I have gained a lot. My friend of life, Sheriff Folarin, an Associate Professor at the Covenant University is one of the many
beautiful gifts media have given me. Our path crossed at the defunct Sketch Press
in Ibadan in 1993. I have equally shared same platform with movers and shakers of
Nigeria: Senators, House of Representatives members, University dons, media
icons, top security operatives including
the incumbent Inspector General of Police, Ibrahim K Idris, and many more.
My voyage through the Nigerian
media has enabled me to become an author with two books – “Nigeria, My Nigeria:
Perspectives from 1990 – 2010” and “A Nation in Tow: Essays on Governance and
Leadership in Nigeria”. At present, I have
over 700 published articles in about 25 print media and have made about 400
appearances in over twenty broadcast media. What’s more, it has saved me from depression,
boosted my self-confidence and self-esteem as well as my world view. My eternal
gratitude to all media houses and personalities who have granted me opportunity
to air my views on their programmes. Don’t get it twisted; it’s not the media
that I am passionate about but knowledge impartation. Those who have been
privileged to attend my numerous trainings will attest to this. Dear readers,
what are you passionate about? Follow your passion; it may one day be your
gateway out of unemployment and poverty and guarantee access to wealth.
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