Nigerian electorate and credible elections
are various actors and stakeholders in the electoral process. They are the
Election Management Bodies (in Nigeria, we have two of them; namely, the
Independent National Electoral Commission and State Independent Electoral
Commissions), political parties and contestants, the media, the judiciary, the
security agencies, the legislative assemblies, the accredited observers and the
electorate. The EMBs are the umpires who are saddled with the responsibilities
of orgnising, conducting and supervising the electoral process; the political
parties field the players for the umpire. They produce and sponsor the
contestants better known as candidates. The media educates the public on the
activities of all the actors and stakeholders.
legislative assemblies produce the legal framework for the conduct of the
elections, the judiciary adjudicates on election disputes, and the security
agencies help to secure the electoral environment for the smooth conduct of the
polls while the accredited observers just like accredited party agents ensures
that the umpire and the contestants follow strictly the rules of engagement.
However, the chief of them all is the electorate. They are all the people in a
country or area who are entitled to vote in an election. Best of preparations
by every other stakeholders devoid of the electorate otherwise known as voters
makes the entire exercise a nullity. Without the electorate there will be no
voting, sorting, counting, collation, announcement of results and the
declaration of winners.
electorate are the real ‘kingmakers’. They choose who will govern them at
different levels. They enthrone the presidents and the governors, the Local
Government Chairmen and councilors, the Senators, House of Representative
members and members of the State Houses of Assembly. The Universal Adult Suffrage
states that citizens of a country have a right to vote for their leaders. In
Nigeria, for you to be among the elite guard called electorate, you must satisfy
five conditions.
to section 12 (1) of the Electoral Act 2010 (as amended) “A person shall be
qualified to be registered as a voter if such a person – (a) is a citizen of
Nigeria; (b) has attained the age of 18 years; (c) is ordinarily resident,
works in, originates from the Local Government Area Council, or Ward, covered
by the registration centre; (d) presents himself to the Registration Officer of
the Commission for registration as a
voter; and (e) is not subject to any legal incapacity to vote under any law,
rule or regulation in force in Nigeria.”
is a reason as to why not everybody is qualified to be part of the electorate.
The age limit of 18 years and above is to ensure that only people who are
mature enough to make informed choices at elections are entrusted with that
vital responsibility. This is because wrong choice of leaders at elections will
impact negatively on quality of governance. That is why underage registration
and voting is not allowed.
has Nigerians fared in the performance of this sacred responsibility of
electing good leaders? Not very well, I must say. Many compatriots have been
apathetic to elections. Many do not bother to register as a voter. No matter
the level of awareness campaign, they are simply indifferent. There is another
category of people who took time off to register but never bother to go and
collect their voters’ cards. According to the Independent National Electoral
Commission, as of March 2018, there are approximately eight million uncollected
Permanent Voters Cards nationwide. Just last Monday, May 21, 2018, INEC
commenced distribution of additional four million PVCs of those who had
registered in the ongoing Continuous Voters Registration Exercise between April
and December 2017. That makes it a whopping 12 million PVCs awaiting collection
by Nigerians. This is worrisome. It is, because registration and collection of
PVC are free unlike when one applies for Banks Debit Cards or Driving License
which attract fees.
group of electorate are those who collect their voters cards but do not show up
to cast their ballot at elections. They often claim that their reason for collecting
their Voters Cards is to enable them use it as means of identification at
banks, at airports when flying domestic routes, and generally when transacting
business that necessitates personal identification. This set of people care less about who wins
or lose at elections. As far as they are concerned with or without their vote,
winners will emerge.
category of electorate are those who register, collect their voters cards and
troop out to vote at elections. This class can be bifurcated into two. There
are those who vote because they have been induced with money or gifts and there
are those who vote as a patriotic duty and civic responsibility. Quite
unfortunately, people in this category are in the minority. Elections in
Nigeria are witnessing less and less voters turnout. In some grave cases there
are less than 10 per cent voters’ participation. There are several reasons
adduced for this poor voters response at elections. Some of them include perceived
poor performance by political office holders in terms of non-delivery on their
previous campaign promises, fear of violence, late commencement of voting by
the Election Management Body, and previous incidences of electoral fraud when
votes do not count.
of the July 14 and September 22, 2018 Ekiti and Osun gubernatorial elections as
well as the February/March 2019 general election, all hands must be on deck to
boost voters confidence in the electoral process, encourage them to turn up to
register during the ongoing Continuous Voters Registration Exercise and then
vote when time comes. Election without voters can never be ascribed as
successful and credible. Election in Nigeria should cease to be mere hollow
ritual. The electorate need to understand the import of their participation in
the process.
it is the right of every 18 years and above who meet the prescribed criteria to
register to vote; it is also the responsibilities of those who have been
registered to go and collect their voters cards and make sure they vote
responsibly at upcoming elections. Lamentations and agonising about the state
of the nation is unhelpful and serve no useful purpose. Electorate must put their
money where their mouth is by joining the forces of change. They must show
interest in the electoral process by following through from party primaries,
through campaigns and ultimately at the elections. Nigerian electorate, change
begins with you!
me on twitter @jideojong
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